Hi! I'm Pranay, the founder of
Skip Round.

Why are we building Skip Round?

If I could envision a utopian world, it would be one where everyone loves their job. Skip Round, is our first tangible step toward making that vision a reality.

We might wander around a bit, but our purpose is steadfast.

We aim to connect with as many people as we can to help them find a job that genuinely makes them happy and fulfilled.

How, do we plan on making this vision a reality?

Today, there are 2 problems we are hell-bent on solving.

Problem 1
AI is poised to have a major impact on the jobs that we perform today. Growth Seekers need help in navigating this new landscape, plan their career trajectory, set goals and stay on track.

Problem 2
More and more people are being impacted by lay-offs. Job Seekers need help in landing new jobs that they truly love.

Regardless of which problems we tackle next, we have a few core values that will guide us along the way.

We will solve each problem by opening doors, taking bold steps forward, by lighting up paths unseen, leading with kindness and, by kindling dreams in every heart we touch.

Let's get to know each other.

Let's get to know each other.

Get in touch.

Get in touch.

Ready to take control of your career?

AI-proof your career with a personalized AI Ready Report. Discover how AI impacts your role, identify skill gaps, and explore new career opportunities. And then use Skip Round as the Fitbit for your career goals!

Ready to take control of your career?

AI-proof your career with a personalized AI Ready Report. Discover how AI impacts your role, identify skill gaps, and explore new career opportunities. And then use Skip Round as the Fitbit for your career goals!

Ready to take control of your career?

AI-proof your career with a personalized AI Ready Report. Discover how AI impacts your role, identify skill gaps, and explore new career opportunities. And then use Skip Round as the Fitbit for your career goals!